October 2, 2008

4-6 PM

Cannon Room, HMS Quad



Speaker:                                 Mark J. Daly, Ph.D.


Title:                                        “Genetics of Common Human Disease”


Question:                                 What is the genetic basis of common human diseases like Crohn's disease?


Quantitative Method:               Statistical Genetics


Medical Impact:                      Identification of pathways that may be targeted for curative therapies for common diseases.


Suggested Reading:               Nature 437, 1299 - 320 (2005 Oct 27), “A haplotype map of the human genome.”

                                                Nature Genetics 40, 955 - 962 (2008), "Genome-wide association defines more than 30 distinct susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease."


Speaker URL:                         http://www.massgeneral.org/chgr/faculty_daly.htm